Time, enemy’s, and successfully failure

What’s scary than dying, is existing without truely living. & other notes

Once you die, it’s over. Song was sung and what was said was done... but if you exist still, well you’re still on the clock. What’s scarier then dying is catching yourself at 30,40,50,60,70 or maybe 80 years old and realizing you haven’t done anything with your life. Now, that’s terrifying because you can’t get that time back. Even wasting a year of your life is a considerable amount of time. 80 years is a blink of an eye for this world. Trust me, in a world that could be billions of years old, we have no idea what, “a long time” really is. If we live till 80 years old, we get 29,200 days, which is  700,800 hours, which is 42,048,000 minuets. These numbers seem big but take into consideration most of us reading this are over 20 years old . At 20 years old, we have lived 7,300 days.. these numbers don’t seem so big anymore. Simple math , if we live to 80 years old.. we are 1/4 through our life journey. I don’t state this to make everyone feel hopeless but understand  the value of time. In a positive stand point, Time is our best friend. If there’s Time, there is hope. Having time means you have room for change, you have a place for growth, you have a window of great opportunity.

Who in the end is our worst enemy? Many people argue Time is but in reality , times not a bitch. We aren’t racing time, it’s going at the same speed we are. The only person we are in competition with is ourselves. We may die with time,  but our time doesn’t go on without us, that’s someone else’s time that keeps moving.

Self doubt is what can kill someone’s livelyhood before their time has truely ended. So many people just doubt on impulse. Truely, to some people, failure is the worst possible thing that can go wrong and it’s not. Running out of time is. So with that being said, we must use failed attempt as a place for learning, not self destruction. If I had a dollar for every time I was wrong the first time around, I’d be a millionaire, but by the second time, I’d have considerably less. Taking what you did wrong as a place for growth leads you to success the second, third, 4th 10th, 1000th time around. Some things take a whole life time to perfect and even then, something’s aren’t e perfectable. The reward comes from within. Getting up, assessing, retrying, repeat. Successful people don’t do things right every time, if they did, they would be idiots for thinking they did. Successful people, embrace mistakes, that way they are limited later in life.


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