Today is the first day of the rest of my life

This week was a bad one for sure but I’m getting all that stuff rationalized and really am seeing a window of great opportunity. Looking forward to fishing the next 2 days fishing and even slightly looking forward to school. It’s busy work and I can’t fish much but it always opens me to new friends and some great opportunities. As I’ve found,  School is a chance for networking and meeting some solid people. 

I got to deal with the remainder of my stress and if anything, I feel relieved. Taking a step back and realizing I have a lot of amazing friends I am greatful for (thanks guys) and also some amazing things going in my life that gives me a good feeling. Even at work I came in and said to myself , “today is the first day of the rest of my life”, felt a bounce in my step and was great! 

So that was just a little pre-story 

With my blogs I try to incorporate some sort of message or some sort of advice either be my realization or bits I’ve been given and here’s the piece:

Situations don’t always get better on their own, it’s up to us to take a hold of our life and utilize the opportunities given to us. No matter what it is, it’s up to us to cope with our stuff, work through and in the end become a better man/women from it. I’ve said in previous blogs, “if we spent as much time looking for a solution as we do drowning in our own pitty, maybe would be able to get somewhere”, and that’s exactly what I and many people have done before. This is my only chance to live the best, most fulfilling life and I’m not letting something like this wreck that. This is my life and I have huge dreams and not letting my innerconcious take any of that away from me, and either should any of you. Substance, rebound partners, any unhealthy coping practices aren’t what help us grow just make us more dependent on other people. All we have is; good friends, family, for some of and most importantly ourselves. 

Really looking to the future and the opportunities, friends and stories to come 


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