

In the world of fishing there is always space for innovation. In the industry there are millions of anglers but very a small percent of people are doing the work to change the game.  In any situation, there are the leaders and the followers. Big time players in the industries are always coming out with new flies, new ideas, new fish, and new ways to catch them, that’s innovation. Lately it seems there is a growing number of followers ripping off ideas that the true OG’s crafted in their career as a fisherman. To be a leader in the fishing career, you got to be either an engineer, outside the box thinker, or straight up crazy. Bright ideas don’t come from dull minds.

Playing it safe will hinder your ability to grow in the fishing industry. To innovate the sport of fishing, you must do stuff that no one has ever done. With doing stuff no one does, you do not have a predetermined outcome. Every day can be a mystery! You must accept failure as a place for growth. You surely don’t know if it doesn’t work till you experimented with it for weeks or months. If someone goes out with an idea once and abandons it, they just scratched the surface to what could be a game changing idea. What if they did it slightly different and found that they were missing the bits and pieces to a great idea. Sometimes all it takes is to find that small variable that either makes it or breaks it.

For a lot of anglers, they fear the unknown. A lot of anglers have a safe zone where they know it works and it catches fish, so that’s all they do. In my opinion that restricts them from growing as an angler. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome isn’t innovation, that insanity. To me the fun in fishing is entering the unknown with no expectations to the possible outcome. An angler who seeks new grounds, new ways, and new fish in the end will become a more successful fisherman.

If we didn’t have true innovators our fishing industry would run dry. We need bright minds bringing new ways and new ideas to be constantly improving the ways we, as anglers can catch a fish. New ways bring growth and the sport becomes new and exciting. Don’t be a follower, be an innovator.

Word count 408


  1. This is absolutely dead on the money. Nobody gets anywhere exciting without experimentation.


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