
Chase things that make you happy, not happiness itself.

What I mean by that phrase is chase things that will provide you with long term happiness. I think the biggest issue among people my age is that people don’t know what to seek out for happiness. A lot of happiness I see people chase is short term and may be destructive in the long run to themselves. Alcohol being one of the biggest Deamons among 18-23 years old. No ands, butts or ifs, nothing good comes from the bottle in the long run. Short highs with long downers, the happiness comes quick. I hear people talking about how they had a rough week and it’s their escape but trashing your self only sets you up for an even harder following week. 

Among drinking, accumulating possession as a way to receive a jolt of happiness just doesn’t work. A lot of commercial brands hit on our deepest insecuries trying to show a quick fix to all our issues. No pair of jeans will make you’re inner consciousness go away, only to just become dulled for a minuet.. No new fancy car will make you king of anything, it makes you a car owner with a big dept to pay. No drift boat will make you the best fisherman in the state. Simplify all these do is provide a short term sense of happiness. Only to let us down in the long run.

So what should you chase? Chase soemthing that can provide you happiness day in and day out. For me I fish. After a long week of school, work, and studying, I fish till the wheels fall off. I fish because no matter how shitty the fishing may be, I am happy. When I fish, I’m content, because I am living my dream. When I’m in a boring class session or a long day at work, I plan what I’m going to do on my next fishing trip or think about weather patterns and wonder what fisheries will be prime by the time of my day off. The wheel will always keep turning as long as I chase fishing. I will never be let down beyond when I’m fishing. 

We all have the ability to have an amazing day, It’s all perspective. Sometimes the first step is to find what truely makes you happy, you need to work on seeing the good in a situation. Look at the glass half full because though it may not be picture perfect, there’s still potential. I could look at a shitty day of fishing as a failure or as another step in the right direction. Time on the water out weights everything and if I’m observant enough I may find a little peice to the puzzle. That is the same for all situations there’s the good and bad. Yes school does have its downer moments but in the end I’m there for a reason and reminding myself almost gives me a feeling of motivation to keep going. That’s all we can ever do, keep going and make the best of the moment. Time will always pass, you get to decide how it was used.


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